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rehearsal dinner

Anderson Zulu will be remembered for his sweet quotes.*
*Anyway, which one is your pick for the end of the year?*
1--A girl can be 21 with 2 kids while another one can be 18 with 3 abortions but the society will judge the 21 year old simply because her decisions are visible.
2--Most men cheat with their wedding ring on their finger. And you think your boyfriend won’t cheat coz YOU'RE his profile picture??
3--We are living in a generation where lovers are free to touch each others private parts but cannot touch each others phone.
4--All I hear is “NO SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE”. If that was God’s plan then u would have receive your penis or vagina on your wedding day.
5--Dating a slim/ slender guy is cool, the only problem is when you are lying on his chest then his ribs draw Adidas lines on your face.
6--Love is when your boyfriend catches you naked with another man and says honey dress up and we go home.
7--Some girls of today can’t jog for five minutes, but they expect a guy to last in bed with them for 2 hours. Your level of selfishness demands a one week crusade.
8--Women with beauty and no brains, its your private part that suffers the most.
9--Whenever things start going on well in your life, the devil comes along and gives u a girlfriend.
10—Teachers are my friend and I feel for Women who are married to Teachers, instead of finding money in the pocket when washing, they find Chalk or list of noise makers. rehearsal dinner
11-- ON EARNING: Never depend on single income.Make investment to create a second chance.
12. ON SPENDING: If you buy things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things
you need.
13. ON SAVINGS: Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.
14. ON TAKING RISK: Never test the depth of a river with both feet.
15. ON INVESTMENT: Do not put all eggs in one basket.
16. ON EXPECTATIONS: Honesty is a very expensive gift. Do not expect it from cheap people.


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