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活動剪影 ★【‪4/18(‬三)‪19:10~21:00‬】中信金英文演講社例會#316 (2403會議室) <Theme: Bon Appétit! >
明晚調酒by Amy新登場 ? 要搭配Cotsco蘋果派/蔥油餅加蛋/豬肉餡餅 (如有自備餐具 & 杯子者, 將有驚喜小物) C u tmrw evening! ? ? ?
時間:‪2018/4/18 (‬三) ‪晚上19:25~21:00 (19:10‬開始提供報到及輕食)
地點:中國信託A棟24F 2403會議室 | 中國信託南港總部 - ‪南港區經貿二路‬168 號

Time – ‪2018.4.18 (Wed.) 19:25~21:00‬ (‪19:10‬ Reception & Light Meal)
Venue- Building A, 24F Room 2403 | No.168, Jingmao 2nd Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei (CTBC HQ Building A)
(Guests, please register and change visitor ID at the lobby security desk)

活動剪影 ★ 4/11冠軍特訓班Champion Bushiban #2 「倍速備稿又叫好(The Prepared Speech)」by Joseph Calpin
‪今晚工作坊大豐收好開心!! Workshop ? Foid ? Friends ? ? ? ? Joseph Calpin is Super CUTE Champ teacher, and really had a lot to share about how to prepared a speech! ? ? ?

Always start with WHY u wanna give a speech (instead of our of pressure)

ü Some questions u may wanna ask:
* What do I want them to remember?
* What is in my speech for them?
* Who ate my audience?
* What do they need?

? Simple ideas people can hold on to

- Talk it out (no matter it means
- Find key word (suddenly things click together)
- Core value

No needa be “nervous” about nervous. It just means u care. Embrace and love ur audience, just give the best of u

也謝謝熱情參與的CTBC officers, members especially Shannon, Peishan, Amy,James, Victor & 上台的prepared speakers Webster and Jui-hui! wedding ? ? ? 及Q & A session提問讓學習深度增加的提問者 Brandon ? ? ?


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