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white homecoming

Loved the interview Gary Vaynerchuk and Hasan Minhaj !

-1:28:41 Click for more AskGaryVee Show more reactions It looks like you may be having problems playing this video. If so, please try restarting your browser.Close Hasan Minhaj, Homecoming King, White House Correspondents Dinn... Posted by AskGaryVee 163,559 Views 2 Seasons · 29 episodes · 98K followers Hasan Minhaj, Homecoming King, White House Correspondents Dinn... …Show · 98K followers 163,559 Views AskGaryVee added a new episode on Facebook Watch . December 4, 2017 · New York, NY ·

On episode 274 of the # AskGaryVee Show, the extremely talented comedian, Hasan Minhaj stops by and we talk about:
- Hasan's background in comedy and how he got started
- Doing well in school and following your passion
- Hasan's big breakthrough in comedy

# QOTD : What is the new move that you're going to add to your game that will maximize your talent? Will you become a Houston Rockets fan?

32:40 - I'm an aspiring comedian and I want to get to the point where I can go on tour and fill stadiums and have my own Netflix show, but I don't know how to do... How do I get there? I am also trying to become financially free so that I can live my dream, what should I do? white homecoming
41:50 - Music and comedy have always gone hand in hand; how do you guys feel about that intersection between music and comedy?
51:20 - I'm not trying to be an entrepreneur, but I still want to have hustle as my mentality, what should I do to become the best in my industry/speciality?
1:07:30 - I love making and producing films, but I don't know how to balance my life while also taking and respecting the input of people outside of me, what do I do?


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